Thursday, July 5, 2007

Introducing this blog

...what to say... I am an Italian guy, living in Milan. So why am I opening a blog in a site visited and used by Indian People?

Well, the first thing I can say is that I'm really really fond of India. I've visited it several times, mostly to explore its huge culture such different from mine.

I work in Milan in the IT field but, as a volunteer, I belong to the Humanist Movement, an international organization whose aim is to produce a deep change using active nonviolence and putting the Human Being as the very centre of society. This is, of course, one of the reasons for which India is so fascinating to me. India, whose People succeeded in using nonviolence in order to liberate themselves from a domination!

Some friends of mine are Indian active members of the Humanist Movement and, in my journeys, I've also met many social workers and other people belonging to Indian NGOs, very active in the struggle against injustice poverty and violence.

I've discovered India not only as the economically emerging country that European People find every day on newspapers and TV, and not only as the society full of contradictions and contrasts with which I felt a strong impact in my fist voyage.

I discovered a place full complexity and whose people is trying to face all conflicts and contradictions of today's world.

I think that the roots of nowadays' problems and crisis are, for the first time in history, the same all over the world. These roots include one highest levels of violence in history but also a high level of consciousness in people who are realizing that.

I think that to face all this any of us must put in discussion many things, both about the society in which he or she is living and about the way of thinking and feeling inside.

That's why I open this blog: hoping that it will let me interact about all that with people from a culture so different from mine!!

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